

Pricing is effective as of 1.10.2024.

The basic cost per click (CPC) to your offer on and transfer to your website is 6 UAH.
There are auction bids (contract prices) for product offers participating in the auction.

CPC on Special Offer on the Product Page = base cost + 1/3 of basic cost (2 UAH).

If on tab All Offers on Product Page user sorts the stores’ offers by price ascending CPC are following (If there are more than 5 unique offers from different stores):
  • For the store on 1st rank – 8,4 UAH
  • For the store on 2nd rank – 7,8 UAH
  • For the store on 3rd rank – 7,2 UAH

For other stores or if there are less than 5 unique offers from different stores CPC is 6 UAH.

In all cases, only unique transfers to the store's website are charged.
If the user has made several clicks with different cost, only one click is charged (the one with maximal cost).
Billing currency is UAH.

  • Situation: There are more than 5 unique offers to some popular product you’re selling and your product offer has the lowest price.
  • User goes to All Offers tab on Product Page. Offers are sorted by default there. If you are not Auction participant and you didn’t raise the CPC to promote your offer, CPC will be 6 UAH.
  • The same user changes the sorting. Now the stores’ offers are sorted by price ascending. And your offer goes to 1st rank. And CPC will be 8,4 UAH. And you’ll pay only 8,4 UAH.

Deposit minimum to the personal account is 1000 UAH.